GIK Acoustics Unveils Latest Product Offering
ATLANTA, GA (July 20, 2015) – GIK Acoustics has announced their latest product offering: the GIK Acoustics Evolution PolyFusor© – a curved panel that smoothly transitions from a low-frequency bass trap to a mid- to upper-frequency diffusor.
The GIK Acoustics Evolution PolyFusor© is a combination of a polycylindrical diffusor and an absorber merged into a single unit. Polycylindrical diffusors, or polyfusors, are known for their excellent dispersion characteristics over a very wide range. The curved front plate allows for virtually perfect spatial diffusion, while letting lower frequency waves pass through to the cavity of absorption behind.
The Evolution PolyFusor© is best used in multiples to keep the sound spread evenly throughout the room, and to help with low frequency build up and standing waves. The Evolution PolyFusor© is a great addition to a room where wide band dispersion is needed, especially as an addition to deep corner bass traps and other absorbers.
Features of the Evolution PolyFusor©:
- Poly diffusors are known for their excellent dispersion characteristics, the Evolution PolyFusor© is virtually a perfect spatial diffusor
- Standard dimensions: 48″ tall x 24″ across with a narrow 5.25″ profile that hugs the walls
- Thin wood poly lets low frequency waves in for low end absorption
- Ideal on the front wall, rear sidewalls or back wall of control rooms. Ideal basically anywhere in a live/recording room
- The Evolution PolyFusor© smoothly transitions from a bass trap at 80Hz, to upper-bass/lower-mid scattering device, to diffusor. Starts diffusing at 600Hz
- PolyFusor Corner J-Mount Full Test Results
- PolyFusor Wall A-Mount Full Test Results
- When properly used in multiples, in relation to boundaries and/or with absorption, the Evolution PolyFusor© sounds neutral but provides a bigger feel psychoacoustically

The Evolution PolyFusor© provides a great mix of absorption and diffusion capabilities. GIK Acoustics president Glenn Kuras adds, “While polycylindrical diffusors have been used for a long time, our Evolution PolyFusor© is a unique product that was previously missing from the marketplace. We are proud to offer a proven and tested product.”
For pricing and more information, Click here for the Evolution PolyFusor© product page.
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