The GIK Acoustics DecoShapes Hexagon Acoustic Panel is a six-sided polygon noise reducing panel that can be grouped on a wall to create unique designs and patterns. DecoShapes Hexagon Acoustic Panels are not only decorative acoustic panels but are highly effective at reducing noise and absorbing sound in any environment. These attractive sound absorbing panels are designed to solve a wide variety of issues: primarily to control noise, eliminate slap echo, and control comb filtering in a room. These decorative acoustic panels come in two standard sizes: 12 inch or 24 inch diameter hexagon shaped acoustic panels. Each sound absorbing panel fits together cleanly so that they can be used in a continuous pattern or as separate hanging panels as a ceiling cloud.
The DecoShapes Hexagon Acoustic Panel transforms home, office, and hotel environments, as well as classrooms, restaurant spaces, home theaters, 2-channel listening rooms, recording studios, and houses of worship.
The decorative DecoShapes hexagon acoustic panel will add a modern twist to a home or office with their unique shape, vibrant colors, and modular design.
Rigid fiberglass provides twice the low end absorption over similar foam-based products.
1″, 2″, 3″, and 4″ thickness
1.05 (versus foam products where NRC = 0.4)
Class A fire rated – Click HERE for Fire Rating test results
ECOSE® technology absorption material
Quality hand-made construction and craftsmanship
Standard Sizes
Available in 1″, 2″, 3″, or 4″
12″ x 12″ : point to point
24″ x 24″ : point to point
Suggested Placement
The Hexagon acoustic panel is easily mounted on wall using sawtooth picture hanger (included)
Stylish for business or home decor.
The Hexagon sound absorbing panel is an excellent option for environments such as offices, restaurants and schools for controlling ambient noise.
The flexibility of the Hexagon Acoustic Panel means you can arrange them in stylish designs and patterns. The result is not only an attractive look, but Hexagon Acoustic Panels also make a dramatic effective impact on the acoustics of your space. For an audio example of a treated room, click HERE.
There are tremendous benefits for treating a room acoustically. Sound expert Julian Treasure explains, “Because of poor acoustics, students in classrooms miss 50 percent of what their teachers say and patients in hospitals have trouble sleeping because they continually feel stressed.” The average noise level in classrooms is 65dB. By installing acoustic treatments, that level can be brought down to a healthier threshold.