Product Description
FreeStand Bass Trap FEATURES:
Ideal for use in corners
- Free standing, movable panel with a sleek, modern looking design
- Stainless steel supports
- Easy to store
- Standard dimensions: 24″ x 60″ x 4″
- Standard weight: 20 lbs
- Also available in a thin 2″ profile as absorption panel. Visit our FreeStand Acoustic Panel page for more information.
- Class A fire rated – Click HERE for Fire Rating test results
- Available in our 9 standard, quality GIK Acoustics fabric options
- Additional Guilford of Maine fabric choices available
employs ECOSE® technology absorption material
The GIK Acoustics FreeStand Bass Trap is ideal for any room where wall mounted bass traps cannot be used or for rooms with multiple purposes.
The FreeStand Bass Trap covers 5 feet of vertical wall space making it ideal to straddle corners. When placed against the wall, the supports leave a 4″ gap between the FreeStand Bass Trap and the wall, which increases low end absorption.
The FreeStand Bass Trap comes with two stainless steel supports (or “feet”) which are easy to install. Simply place the FreeStand Bass Trap wherever you need it in the room. Move it around, use it anywhere, then store it away out of sight when not in use.

“We all love our toys, but one aspect of the studio that often gets overlooked is the room itself. Your listening environment influences every decision you make about recording and mixing, from how much low end the kick drum needs to how loud the tambourine should be in the chorus. Sadly, many people ignore this fact of life: the room is the most important component in the monitoring chain.” – Steve La Cerra, Electronic Musician magazine, Sept 2015